Saturday, November 23, 2013

Matt Cutts Asking For Google Webmaster Tools Feedback

This is your opportunity to give Google your two-cents on the features and issues you have with Google  Webmaster Tools.

I blew up about it the other day where I asked in a nice way for Google to add a feature named automated actions to Google Webmaster Tools. Will it happen? I think it is more complex that I am making it out, so I doubt it. But if you agree, make sure Google and Matt Cutts know you want this feature.
google webmaster tools feedback
If you don't want it, fine. Just make sure you tell Matt Cutts and his team what features you want.
Matt posted the request on his personal blog asking you to leave comments with the features or changes you want made to Webmaster Tools. He said they will use it for brainstorming and possibly build some of those features in 2014 - but not guaranteed.

Matt's blog only has 125 comments or so, so go flood it with ideas.

by Barry Schwartz


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