75% Of SEOs Want Yahoo To Return To Search 
A couple months ago new rumors surfaced around Yahoo making a return to search.
With those rumors, we asked you guys if you think Yahoo should indeed make those efforts or give up now? With over 200 responses on our poll I
wanted to tell you that the majority would like to see Yahoo return to
search 75% of you said yes, Yahoo should get back into search. Only 18% said no, they should not and 7% don't care either way.
I suspect the 75% said yes so that there would be more diversity and
competition in the search space. Or maybe they hate Microsoft?
Here is the pie chart with more purple in it:
by Barry Schwartz
A couple months ago new rumors surfaced around Yahoo making a return to search.
With those rumors, we asked you guys if you think Yahoo should indeed make those efforts or give up now? With over 200 responses on our poll I
wanted to tell you that the majority would like to see Yahoo return to
search 75% of you said yes, Yahoo should get back into search. Only 18% said no, they should not and 7% don't care either way.
I suspect the 75% said yes so that there would be more diversity and
competition in the search space. Or maybe they hate Microsoft?
Here is the pie chart with more purple in it:
by Barry Schwartz
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