A Hacker News thread cites a story I wrote at Search Engine Land named Long-Time SEO Jill Whalen Moves On, Praises Google For Rewarding Content More which I also wrote over here. In short, the webmasters at Hacker News is mocking my summary of why Jill is retiring from SEO:
The tricks to beat and spam Google, Whalen said, no longer work as well.
Matt Cutts responded in the thread saying, "if you'd be interested in sharing any specifics (companies, keywords, people, etc.) regarding people spamming by leaving millions of links gumming up the web, my team would be happy to investigate in more detail." But nothing timely and solid was given.
He said it again later on in the thread, "We're pretty good at dissecting various techniques, spam networks, etc. But I always like to hear feedback from different places to see how we're doing, uncover new pockets of spam, etc."
Heck, even Ryan Moulton chimed in asking "If you can remember some example queries I'd love to pass them on to the team."
But nothing.
Frustrating all around, don't you think?
by Barry Schwartz
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