Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Google Search Update Over The Weekend?

Google Search Update Over The Weekend?
The ongoing WebmasterWorld thread and dozens of posts in the Google Webmaster Help forum suggest that around September 20th, Google did some sort of larger update.

google updating logoLet me start by saying, Google asked me nicely not to ask them on record if there was an update. So I am not going to ask Google from now on.
But based on the chatter I have seen over the weekend, it seems like there was some sort of update.

Now, looking at Mozcast, SERPs.com, Search Metrics and Algoroo, they don't show the same thing. Mozcast shows major changes on September 17th, SERPS.com shows major changes on the 18th , SERP Metrics shows changes on the 19th and Algoroo shows them on the 20th. I've never seen all four show significantly different dates for an update based on the chatter I've seen.

Some can be based on UI changes, universal search changes, geo-based changes, algorithmic changes or something else.
So it is hard to nail this one down.

Author: Barry Schwartz


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