Thursday, August 29, 2013

Google: Short & Basic Reconsideration Requests Won't Do It.

Google: Short & Basic Reconsideration Requests Won't Do It. google Reconsideration Requests
If you didn't get the memo yet, and we've covered what Google expects from reconsideration requests before - Google wants details in the request.
If you have a manual action and it shows up in the manual action viewer, you can submit the review request over there.
But don't go short and basic. John Mueller, Google's Webmaster Trends Analyst, said in a Google Webmaster Help thread in response to why one site that sent multiple requests didn't get a satisfactory reason.

It appears that in this case, that although the bad aspects of the site are mostly gone - Google did not grant the request because the request itself was way too short and basic.
So do your work, show you really mean it, and give Google what they want.

Author: Barry Schwartz


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