Friday, January 3, 2014

Google: You Must Wait A Few Weeks To Submit A Reconsideration Requests

Google: You Must Wait A Few Weeks To Submit A Reconsideration Requests google hourglasses
We know Google doesn't like it when you submit a new reconsideration request a day or two after you get a rejection response from your reconsideration request. They want to see you put effort in after you get that response.

So now, it seems Google is telling webmasters who get reconsideration request responses that they need to wait a "few weeks" before submitting a new one. If they don't listen, Google will ignore their submissions.
A Google Webmaster Help thread has one example of Darren Jamieson posting one for his site. The section that is new is:

Removing links takes time. Due to the large volume of requests we receive, and to give you a better chance of your next reconsideration request being successful, we won't review another request from this site for a few weeks from now. We recommend that you take the necessary time to remove unnatural backlinks to your site, and then file another reconsideration request.
It seems like more and more reconsideration request rejection replies have this message in them.

Hat tip to Jon Hogg from for sending me this thread.


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