Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Google: It's Not About How Much Or How Many...

Google's John Mueller gave the typical Google line at this Google Webmaster Help there - quality over quantity. He wrote:

I wouldn't worry about the technicalities - how much you can write about how many topics - and instead just make sure that the content which you're creating is really of the highest quality possible. This isn't something you should do for search engines, it's really something you're probably already doing. You almost certainly know yourself where the content that you're creating is thin, and where it's really significant, unique, high-quality and compelling to users. The awesome stuff is what you should be aiming for -- and from my point of view, you should be doing that independent of any algorithms (real or not).
It isn't about how much or how many - it is about the highest quality as possible.
Truth is, I am sure many sites have writing quotas. Be it having to write one story a week, a story a day, or several stories a day. Heck, I have this artificial number in my head that I need to push out around 5 stories here a day and several on Search Engine Land, but truth is, I really don't. I just like the number. I've done more or less and truthfully, I've done stories that I probably would not have written because I wanted to publish at least four stories on a specific day. I probably should not have but quotas, we all have them as part of our job or as a number sitting in our head. Be it budgets, yearly revenue goals, to weight loss and heck, I am sure Google has their spam and quality quota metrics. We all got them.

But should step back and say, it isn't about how much or how many?

by Barry Schwartz


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